Thursday, July 3, 2008

We have one day to go!!!!!!!! We fly out at 7am on Fri. morning, we will be in the Lax airport for our layover all day, we fly out of Lax at 11:50pm. I don't know what will do all day in the airport, but rest!!! Maybe we will go into town for a few hours, we'll see how it works out. I signed up for Sype, it's free calling computer to computer so if anyone wants to you can sign up and send me your site add. and then we can talk while in China! Just remember, we will be 24hours different!
That means if I'm on at 10:00am it will be 10pm here. Thank you for all your prayers, they have been felt over the past week as we prepare to meet Jack. Keep our girls in prayer that are watching our house, this has been a great blessing to know Dakota will be taken care of.
We love you, Rich and Ginia xxxooooxxxooo!!!


mjlswells said...

Rich & Ginia,

Thx for sharing your blog address with us! We are SO thrilled for you and can't wait to follow your journey. Enjoy your trip, take it all in & be adventurous, China is so much fun!

Janis Wells & Co.

Brittney Galloway said...

I am so excited to read all about your trip! Skype is so easy to use and will be helpful! (Ian and I used it during his year in Jordan.) I love you all so much and will be praying for you!

Vern said...

Dear Rich and Ginia,
It is July 4th and you are on your way to see your new son. I hope that you take alot of pictures and write down everything you can. We are praying for you and are so happy for you! God bless,
Aunt LaVerne and Uncle David

Debbi Moore said...

Rich and Ginia,
Hope you are doing great in China. You guys are on our hearts today. We love you and are praying for you! Kevin and Debbi

Tammie said...

Hi Rich & Ginia,

You all have been on our minds all day. Hope you all have had a chance to unpack, eat something yummy and go for a nice walk in Guanghouz. It's quite lovely there and reminded me a lot like Winter Park, but in some strange way, even safer.

Take a deep breath maybe two or three because reality is about to hit. Enjoy some ice cream!

Love ya,
Tammie, Alana & Family

Holly said...

As we were getting ready to leave the Stabile's late last night, we all smiled, knowing that you could be holding Jack any minute now. Now the next moring, gosh, we KNOW you have him now! Oh happy day!!!

Holly and Glenn

Marsha C said...

Hey Ginia,

By the time you read this I'm hoping you have a cute little boy wrapped up in your arms. I can't tell you how many times we have prayed for all of you. We look forward to the day when we can all hang out and watch little Jack as he entertains us. What a day of rejoicing that will be!!!! We love you all.